
Portland, Oregon is my favorite city. I am sharing my thought and visits to different places in this fabulous city. It's a great place to visit; just don't move here. We have enough already. Just kidding, we love everyone. Which means we are really nice, too.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ah Alberta

You never know what you will see on Alberta Street. This is the last corner of Portland were the truly weird can come out and play and everyone expects it. It’s like Halloween every Last Thursday all year long. Someone, some years back, found out about the creatives who called this part of the world their home. Driven from the ever increasing property rents on the west side of Portland, they packed their art supplies and headed across the river to the less genderfied part of town, where gunshots were the bedtime lullaby. But art happened, and Alberta Street began to come around. Unfortunately, so did the money. Developer have started to come in and built condos, run down Victorian homes have been snapped up by young professionals, and the community is starting to change. Well, almost change. Diehards still hang out along the sidewalks’ Last Thursday selling anything and everything. They call it “art.” The few galleries in the area open their doors to the gawkers, and restaurants and bars make out like bandits.
It’s a happening and people come from all parts of the Portland area to enjoy the festive atmosphere that is called Last Thursday on Alberta Street. An array of clothing, home made foods, and crafts share the sidewalks with the creatives. It’s a social happening for the vendors as well as the gawkers.

Art is placed on the fence, on tables, hung on a board and walked around the street, or in this case, on the ground, where instant celebrity, Michael Patterson-Carver was discussing his views on political action.Spontaneous musical groups unpack instruments and attract a crowd of well wishers. People drink, and walk, and discuss politics, movies, books, and who is here. One act that will be missing are the clowns from the clown house. The property has been sold to a developer. We all worry where the clowns will go. One went to jail this evening. I’m not sure why. Do you think it was because of the diapers he was wearing?
The police were out tonight. A couple of months ago, things got a little too rowdy, and the merry makers were dancing in the street. It made driving a bit difficult. So the police was called in. Bars were cautioned about drunks. Hey, this is Alberta Street, man. What can you do?
I get tired of the same old, same old here. But just as I think it is the same; it isn’t. I really love all the people and dogs, and cats, and bad art that has become apart of what makes Portland just great. Who wouldn’t want to keep it weird?

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Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah I was arrested for making people think. The second charge was for being handsome.

You can look me up at workforf_ood.livejournal.com
or you can check out the will week's coverage of my case; http://www.wweek.com/wwire/?p=9385

God Speed-

Will Workforf Ood

October 21, 2007 at 8:02 PM  

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